Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hiroshima- False Credit

                Charles Pellegrino wrote a book about the atomic destruction of Hiroshima, but it was later found that one of his main sources for the book, Joseph Fuoco, was actually a fake and lied about being there. The actual pilot that was on that plane was in fact flown by a James R. Corliss. Apparently Mr. Fuoco was an alternate pilot who did NOT fly that night. Mr. Pellegrino’s book was based off of his story and upset Corliss’s family and others who read it and saw that it was not the true information of what actually occurred that day. People are saying that Pellegrino should go back and rewrite those accounts in the book to the True information. He has said that he will go back and fix the book to be republished with the real information.
                The amazing story of how they flew over that explosion, it just astonishes me. I would be scared to death, but those brave people in that plane flew over it and survived. It was indeed a very dangerous experience and they were very lucky to make it. Fuocco should be ashamed that he tried to take credit for flying that plane when the real credit for flying it goes to James R. Corliss. If I were Corliss or even his family I would be extremely upset. Credit should go where credit is earned. Pellegrino obviously did not do a whole lot of research or background checks to make sure that his information was correct; otherwise he would’ve realized that Fuocco had given him False information. It just goes to show that you have to be careful with the information you’re given. Also, I’m glad there are honest people still in this world that stood up to open the eyes of people to tell them the truth of what happened that terrifying day.

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