Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Extra Photojournalism contibution

(I couldn't resist. I had a lot of fun with my camera (: ) (I promise only to do a couple more....if I had room and time I would gladly post all my favorite pictures that I've taken in the Spring and Summer, but I don't, not matter how cool I think they are so...too bad)

 Anyway. This one was taken on my little walk this afternoon. My little sister decided to fight off the scary looking trees, and I liked how they all looked together, so...tada!
 Summer actually took this one (at least I'm giving her credit for her work...and she's 6) but I thought it actually looked pretty cool. (I'm sorry to say, but we didn't actually stop. Oh well! (she doesn't fully comprehend what a stop sign is, so I am not a bad example...yet)
And this is another photo masterpiece done by none other than Summer Martin. (last name excluded for safety precautions.) Pretty good for a 6 year old right? Guess she's starting to take after her big sis. :) (meaning me) Anyway, I liked how it captured something so simple in kind of a cool way. I guess it's kinda lame, but I liked it.
And last of all, my personal favorite, Summer climbing over the fence instead of going around. :) I told her that the sign meant that no horses could take that route today (we were on the horse trail) and she took that to mean that she was more than welcome to. (guess I should've explained a little better)

:) well, at least I put the pictures in, and they do look great if I do say so myself. Hopefully whoever read this was able to stand my humor throughout it. But, once it hits 9:00, I consider myself to be the funniest person out there. :)

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