Wednesday, March 2, 2011


 So, this picture (well, all of them) I took while I was on a walk earlier today. This is one of the types of photos I like to take (obviously) and I thought that it looked really cool. It's actually pretty simple and plain. The regular house and tree showed darker, so it makes the sky seem bright, but not somehow.
 This is another one I took earlier today. I'm kind of a nerd for skys like these ones shown. I like the way each cloud contributes to this photos differently, but corrispondes the way it needs to so that it really brings the sky to life.
 Again, taken today. This one is one of my favorites. It shows a simple fence on the bottom, which, luckily, is actually really beat up. That's one of my favorite parts because it lets the light from the sky seep through its cracks.
 This one actually was supposed to show the hill more. I thought I could bring out the land and show how it blends or corresponds to the sky. Instead I got black on the bottom and bright beauty on the top. (and I love it!)
Lastly, (for this post anyway) is this simple pictue. I didn't intend on having it look this way. All I wanted was to get a picture of that weird looking cloud. It seemed really odd to me in comparisson to the others, but I think it's what makes the picture.

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